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·Xinjiang style: Akon Performance  ·The Prambanan Temples: the largest temple complex on the Indonesian island of Java  ·Danxia Scenic Area of Chishui  ·First House Chinese Taoism: Yingtan Si Han Tianshi House, Jiangxi Province  ·solidified the moment: the history of the old photographs about China  ·Ili Sailimuhu, Xinjiang  ·Xiamen City landscape, Fujing Province  ·Turret of the Imperial Palace  ·Keqi Baiyinchagan Prairie Of Chifeng City  ·The beauty of chrysanthemum flower in the autumn  ·Sanya Landscape in Hainan  ·Zhuzhou city scenery, Hunan  ·Wetlands: the source of the human driving force for sustainable development  ·Yanqing Guyaju site of Beijing: tousand years of human Cave in China  ·Honghai Beach Of Panjin  
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